Saturday, March 26, 2011

I realized it.

I'm not a fucking obstacle in It's plan. I'm just a dumbass who decided to fight.

I'll die one day, and it'll be sure soon.

So, hey, for all you beyond the Borderline, keep It, The Slender man, whatever you want to call it, out of your head and home. Goodnight. -Liam.


  1. Calm your shit Liam. You're not going anywhere. You're the farthest over the Borderline.

  2. Well, you seem to be becoming more and more on edge lately, Liam. Of course your actions matter. Every minute you're alive and have your mind is a minute Slender Man isn't getting what he wants from you. That in an of itself is impacting Its plans

  3. Hey man, apparently you tried to help me. Well thanks. I'm back, man.

  4. Liam, what's wrong? You're great. You've helped people. Gave them hope..... Comeback soon.
