Recently made myself home in an hotel room, for the 11th fucking time. This is getting quite tedious, but yet I can't stop it or else I'll end up dead.
But now some more interesting things.
Yggdrasil had a nap earlier. I decided to listen to music when Slendertwat showed up to talk to me. Below is a transcript of my talk with him.
SM: ...
Me: Speak you dipshit.
SM: Youarenotbeingpolite,downsman.
Me: So now we have some nicknames.
SM: Whyareyousorude,downsman.
Me: Just...Stop. Can we please just call each other by our names.
SM: Whateveryouwish.
Me: So why talk to me? And why now?
SM: Becauseyouseektruth.TruthaboutJohnathan.
Me: Yes. For one, why'd you try to convert him?
SM: Becausehewouldendyouquicker.Youwouldnotmeetthehatchling.
Me: Wow. You can totally see that you failed terribly.
SM: Silence. Aslongasheiswithyou,youarestillatarget.Youkeephimstable.
Me: Okay.
SM: Ifhelostmemories,hewouldbemoreeasytoacsess.
Me: So now you're treating him like a fucking computer.
SM: Inaway, downsman.
Me: And you gave him tentacles of doom, why?
SM: Thesameyouaredoingtomyminions.
Me: Of course. To murder us Runners and Fighters.
SM: Youlearnquick,downsman. Cynthiaenjoysyou.
Me: I want to punch you so goddamn badly.
SM: Itwouldbeuseless. Unlessitwastorelievestress.
Me: Okay, I just want to ask you something. What are your plans for me?
SM: Toendyou. Simpleasthat. Oncethepreyaregone,Iwillreturntoclaimtheearth'sremaindersasmyown. Myminionswillserveme.Theywillalllaughwithme.
Me: Not if I can fucking electrocute you into a cutout.
SM: Silencedownsman.Iwilltakemyleave.
I think I fell asleep and ended up with a box with a keypad, with a scribble of Slender Shit on the wall. I counted the first lettters of each color name on the drawing. I entered 21623 into the keypad. The chest opened and out came a distorted version of "Welcome to the Family" from the musical Oliver!. Must've been intended for Yggdrasil, because it had drawings of him and Toothpick, along with a large Operator Symbol carved into the bottom. The chest also contained a shaving razor, which I think was for murdering me. Luckily I threw it away after looking at the contents.
I'll talk to you later. -Liam, NAPPA.